Pte 724 Frederick Charles
Volunteers of Essendon and Flemington, 1914-1918
Honour Rolls
[Farewell to the Second Expeditionary Contingent]
On Thursday evening, 17th December, a complimentary concert was tendered to the Essendon soldiers who at leaving for the front with the Second Australian Imperial Expeditionary Force. The function was held at the local town hall, and there was a large attendance, although not so large one as when the first contingent departed. Mr. John Woods was the secretary of the movement, and after some difficulty arranged a splendid programme, most of the items being of a martial nature.
The artists included Miss Annie Jennings, Miss Rose Alba, Messrs. H. KelsaIl, Gerald Massey, E. N. Stevenson, G. Stevenson, W. K. Park, V. J Rawsthorn, Master H. Burchell, and the Essendon Quartette (Messrs. G Benwell, E. N. Hocking, W. F. Stephens, A. E. Stephens). The band of the 58th Battalion also contributed some selections, the different items being well given and received, while encore numbers were numerous. A new feature was the song composed by our townsman, Mr. Louis Voight, entitled "For the Grand Old Flag". This was well sung by Mr. Abrahams. Mr. Voight, who played the accompaniment, was well received by the audience, who recognised the merit of the song. The accompaniments during the evening were played in an able manner by Miss Doris Hawker, L.A.B.
During an interval, the Mayor (Cr. J. Goldsworthy), addressing the soldiers, wished them, on behalf of the citizens of Essendon, God speed and a safe return. He stated that it was unnecessary to remind them that they carried the honour and welfare of this Commonwealths in their hands, and that the doings of the Australian troops at the front would be followed with interest. The soldiers could rest assured that those left behind would be well looked after, and he would ask the citizens of Essendon not to let their work cease with that night's entertainment, but to keep going until England told them to stop. He asked for three cheers for the men of the Australian Expeditionary Force to show them that the citizens had their welfare at heart. The cheers were lustily given, and the concert terminated with the National Anthem.
The men were afterwards entertained at supper in the adjoining room, when each one was presented with a note book and a purse as a souvenir of the occasion. They had previously received souvenir programmes. The Mayor (Cr. Goldsworthy), in making the presentations, asked the soldiers to accept the souvenirs, which he hoped they would find useful at the front. He hoped they would come back safely, and he could assure them that there was plenty of room for them.
Cr. J. F. Henderson, who was called upon by the Mayor, said he would like to say a few words of farewell. He reminded them that they were the sons of British parents, and they were going back to that land whence their parents came to uphold the dear old flag. He was sure they would not disgrace their splendid country, and he counselled them to remember that they were Australians, and to come back with their good name untarnished. He hoped they would maintain the ascendancy over the enemy, and that they would keep up their confidence. He wished them a good journey and hoped they would all come back.
Captain Duigan replied by request of the men, and stated that his time to go to the front would come later, and he would not miss it. He heartily thanked the speakers and the committee for all that they had done. The men would treasure what had been said to them and would value the gifts.
They were heartily thankful for the send-off, and to all those associated with it and they would not forget it, especially when they were going into Berlin. (Applause.)
The Mayor expressed his thanks to Captain Duigan for his kind remarks, stating that it had been his privilege to take the principal part in most of the functions in the City of Essendon, but he did not do much on the present occasion. They had a Military in working for the welfare of the units in this part of the State, and it was that Association with the hard working secretary (Mr. John Woods). He could not help remarking the wonderful discipline the men in the room displayed, and was pleased to see what a good effect their training had. He hoped it would not be long before they came back from the front and he hoped it would be his proud privilege to welcome both contingents back, and he could assure them of a splendid night.
A pleasant evening was brought to a close with "Auld Lang Syne." The names of Essendon's contingent on this occasion are as follow :- Warrant Officer F. C. Hawker; Sergts. Dickinson, Hughes, S. McDonough, Color-Sergt. Rodericks, Corporals Bowen, V. Garner, R. L. Jones, R. W. Jones, J. W. Woods, Lance-Corporals R. Herweg, W. Metcalfe, Stranghair, Gunner C G. Woods, Privates C. Brictiller, R. F. Bruce, S. Booley, R. J. Clarke, E. J. Curry, J. Cowan, C. H. Duncan, S. Erridge, S. W. Ellis, P. A. Euble, S. J. Forrest, R. Gault, R. Garford, E. Harboard, E. S. Harris, Heron, R. Kerr, J. V. Knight, J. Middleton, Macarthur, D. L. Nicholls, E. Oakenfall, G. Phillips, C. Paton, Ranscombe, D. Ryan, J. Rodgers, W. D. Smith, A. Swift, C. Sedgeman, J. S. Sullivan, S. Scott, L. L. Scorer, F. Tuohy, F. Trevillian, P. Thompson, E. W. Towers, J. E. Walsh, H. Wright, T. Webster.
CONCERT (1914, December 24). The Essendon Gazette and Keilor, Bulla and Broadmeadows Reporter (Moonee Ponds, Vic. : 1914 - 1918), p. 3. Retrieved October 31, 2016, from
Embarkation Roll
Booley S Pte |
Bowen Corporal *
Brictiller C Pte (sic)
Clive Nathaniel
Bruce R F Pte |
Clarke R J Pte |
Cowan J Pte |
Curry E J Pte |
Dickinson Sergt |
Vincent Robert
Duncan C H Pte |
Ellis S W Pte |
Erridge S Pte |
Euble P A Pte |
Forrest S J Pte |
Garford R Pte |
Garner V Corporal |
Gault R Pte |
Harboard E Pte |
Harris E S Pte |
Hawker F C W/O
Frederick Charles
Heron Pte |
Herweg R Lance-Cpl |
Hughes Sergt |
Jones R L Corporal |
Jones R W Corporal |
Kerr R Pte |
Knight J V Pte |
Macarthur Pte |
McDonough S Sergt |
Sydney Baker
Metcalfe W Lance-Cpl |
Middleton J Pte |
Nicholls D L Pte |
Oakenfall E Pte |
Paton C Pte |
Phillips G Pte |
Ranscombe Pte |
Rodericks Color-Sergt |
Rodgers J Pte |
Ryan D Pte |
Scorer L L Pte |
Scott S Pte |
Sedgeman C Pte |
Smith W D Pte |
Stranghair Lance-Cpl |
Sullivan J S Pte |
Swift A Pte |
Thompson P Pte |
Towers E W Pte |
Trevillian F Pte |
Tuohy F Pte |
Walsh J E Pte |
Webster T |
Woods C G Gunner |
Woods J W Corporal |
Wright H Pte |
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