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Bone A W   Pte  501

Page history last edited by Lenore Frost 7 years, 11 months ago

Volunteers of Essendon and Flemington, 1914-1918


Bone A W   Pte  501    Alfred William      7 Inf Bn    19    Wireworker    Single    C of E       

Address:    Ascot Vale, Bloomfield Rd, 51   

Next of Kin:    Bone, James, father, 51 Bloomfield Rd, Ascot Vale   

Enlisted:    17 Aug 1914     

Embarked:     A20 Hororata 19 Oct 1914                                   

Prior Service CMF   58 Inf Regt, 1 year;  Senior Cadets, 2 years



A. W. Bone,


of D Company, 7th Battalion (wounded), is the youngest son of Mr. James Bone, 51 Bloomfield-road, Ascot Vale, and is 19 years of age. He was educated at the | Ascot Vale State school, and entered the 58th Senior Cadets, under Captain Wills (since killed in action), and was a member of the 58th champion team in the 1912-13 brigade -competitions. He entered the 58th Essendon Rifles, under Captain Jackson and Colonel Elliott (both wounded), and was under the same two officers from entering the citizen forces until he went into action. He was one of the number of Essendon Rifles who volunteered on the first call to the colors.


CAREERS OF THE FALLEN. (1915, June 2). The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved February 14, 2015, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article154949352


Essendon Gazette, 3 June 1915


Private A. W. Bone, 7th Battalion  (wounded) is the youngest son of Mr. Jas. Bone, 51 Bloomfield road, Ascot Vale. He was in the 58th Senior Cadets, under Captain Wells (since killed at the war) and later was a member of the 58th Essendon Rifles, under  Lieut.-Col. Elliott and Captain Jackson (both wounded).


Essendon Gazette 17 June 1915


Private A. W. Bone writes from 1st A G Hospital, Heliopolis, May 9th, 1915: "We went into action a fortnight ago;  but I was not in it long when I was shot in the leg. I have been on my back for two weeks now, and likely to be here for some time yet.  I reckon I am lucky to be even here, as it was a terrible time landing;  some of the men never even got out of the boats. I had had only two shots at them before I was hit. The Turks were on the top of the hills in front, with machine guns, and had rifles firing from the hills, at the side of us, so you can reckon the time we were having; but they didn't last long. We were attended to, and taken to the hospital ship, and then to Alexandria during the night. On arrival at Alexandria we were put aboard the hospital train for Cairo, and then in motors to here. I received a surprise when I saw Dr Sutherland, who was my ward doctor.   I spoke to him and he wanted to know,  in his usual jocular style, what I was doing here.


"A lot of the boys were killed and wounded. our  Colonel and Major Jackson, Capt Layth (sic) and Lt Heighway were wounded, and Lt Chapman died of wounds (all of our 'Coy')."


One Thousand Days with the AIF


Schoolboys Welcome Anzac.

Among the Anzacs who arrived on Mon day was Private Alfred W. Bone, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bone, of Bloomfield road, Ascot Vale, who left with the 7th Battalion on October 14, 1914. Private Bone was wounded at Gallipoli, and, with the exception of a spell in hospital, has been in the thickest of the fighting ever since. Immediately after reaching home the returned Anzac was paid a graceful compliment by the scholars of the Ascot Vale school, who, to the number of 120, marched to his parents' residence, headed by the school bugle band, and serenaded and cheered the young soldier, while a member of the teaching staff delivered an address of welcome. The boys were afterwards entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Bone, who later on were "at home" to about 80 friends and relatives, who called to greet the returned hero.


Waltzing Competition. (1918, December 5). Flemington Spectator (Vic. : 1914 - 1918), p. 2. Retrieved June 14, 2014, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article92032260



War Service Commemorated

Send-off to the Essendon Boys

Essendon Town Hall A-F

Ascot Vale State School                                                                                                 

St Pauls Anglican Church, Ascot Vale                                               

Essendon Gazette Roll of Honour Wounded           

Patriotic Concert, Essendon Town Hall, 1914     

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