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Page history last edited by Lenore Frost 6 years, 5 months ago

Volunteers of Essendon and Flemington, 1914-1918


Gus Stelling as a member of the 58 Inf (Essendon Rifles), late 1914.  

Later 22 Inf Battalion AIF.  Courtesy of the Dusek Family.


Stelling G   Pte  1960  Gustav        22 Inf Bn    19    Engraver    Single    Pres       

Address:    Moonee Ponds, Carlisle Cres, 11, “Mons Leo”   

Next of Kin:    Stelling, Mr, father, “Mons Leo”, 11 Carlyle St, Moonee Ponds

                                                         "Herogus", 82 Brewster St, Essendon     by  29 October 1917.  (Now 72)

Enlisted:    1 Jun 1915       

Embarked:     A68 Anchises 26 Aug 1915 

Prior Service:  58th Inf Regt. (8 months) and Cadets (2 years)


Stelling is incorrectly entered in the Embarkation Rolls as "Spelling".    


Relatives on Active Service:

McKenzie-H-W-Pte-2623 future brother-in-law                                                                                                 


Date of Death:  29/10/1915

CWGC: "Son of Gustav W. J. and Margaret Stelling, of 82, Brewster St, Essendon,

Victoria, Australia. Native of Ballarat, Victoria".

SHRAPNEL VALLEY CEMETERY                       


From the Dusek Family Collection


Gus Stelling as a boy


Unknown friends or family

Universal Training Scheme

Gus Stelling as an artist

Letter from Cairo, Sept-Oct 1915

Letter en route to Gallipoli, Oct 1915

Letter to brother Les Stelling, Oct 1915

Letter to sister Irene Stelling, 1915

Condolence letters from Gallipoli

Condolence letter from Billy

Relics of a fallen soldier

Stelling Family After the War

Irene and the Commonwealth Ladies


Material unless otherwise specified has been kindly provided by the Dusek family.




This photo belonged to Walter Scott who trained at Broadmeadows but was discharged for health reasons prior to embarkation.  His grandson Allen Evans tells the story of Walter Scott. Back row, from left:  1 - , 2 Walter Scott, 3 - , 4 - , 5 Possibly Fred Glide.  Front row from left: 1 - , 2 - , 3 Gus Stelling , 4.  Liston W F Pte 1923 is probably also in this group. Photo courtesy of Allen Evans.


It seems that the 22nd Battalion was in trenches not far from Johnston’s Jolly.  The Unit Diary records in an entry written on October 29 at 14.00 hrs that a mine had blown up earlier that day in section C3. The site was being inspected by an officer who was overcome by gas. Several others went to the rescue, many were overcome by fumes; two officers and three men died, and fourteen suffered from poisoning. It was a sultry day with a period of heavy shelling…


Courtesy of Sheila Byard.



Word has been received that Acting-Corporal Gustave Stelling was killed in action on October 29th.  This young lad was the son of Mr Gus, W J Stelling, of 11 Carlyle street, Essendon, and was killed the day after his 20th birthday.  He was born at Ballarat, and educated at Kensington State school, where he was well known. On the announcement of his death on Monday morning, the schoolmaster, Mr Morrison, assembled the children announced his death, and addressed the scholars.  Stelling was connected with the Flemington Presbyterian Church and Sunday School for many years, and last Easter competed in the athletic events held at Kyneton for the Presbyterian Church Union of Victoria banner.  He was first connected with the Boy Scouts, then with the State School voluntary cadets up to the Citizen Forces.  As a members of the Essendon Rifles, he won a medal in the Commonwealth Competition.  In business he was apprenticed to the photo process engraving at Messrs Prebble and James.  The indentures were cancelled to enable him to enlist on June 18th.  He sailed for the front on August 26th, and just two months later the news of his death came through.


DIED FOR HIS COUNTRY. (1915, November 18). The Essendon Gazette and Keilor, Bulla and Broadmeadows Reporter (Moonee Ponds, Vic. : 1914 - 1918), p. 5 Edition: Morning.. Retrieved January 18, 2012, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article74590820



Gus Stelling's memorial at the Shrapnel Valley Cemetery, courtesy of Kim Phillips Spirits of Gallipoli website.


Friend of:

Glide F W Pte 1997

Liston W F Pte 1923   

Barton F S Pte 932  see letter in Essendon Gazette 21 Sep 1916.      


Mentioned on this webpage:

At the Broadmeadows Army Training Camp in the First World War  Allan Evans' website (Viewed 6 Feb 2013)


War Service Commemorated

Essendon Town Hall R-Y


Essendon Gazette Roll of Honour killed

Kensington State School               

Regimental Register

Flemington and Kensington Presbyterian Young Men's Association


In Memoriam


STELLING. -Killed in action, on the 29th October,

the day following his 20th birthday, Gustav, the

much loved and younger son of Gus W. J.

Stelling and Margaret Stelling, and loving brother

of Leslie and Irene, of "Mono Leo," 11 Carlyle street,


He gave his life for his country.


Family Notices. (1915, November 16). The Argus

(Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), p. 1.



DEATHS. STELLING.-Killed in action on 29th October

(the day following his 20th birthday), Gustav, the

much loved son of Gus. W. J. Stelling and Margaret

Stelling, and loving brother of Leslie and Irene, of

"Mono Leo," 11 Carlyle street Essendon.

With a cheery smile and a wave of the hand,

He has wandered into an unknown land.

Think of him still as the same, we say

He is not dead-he is just away.

Family Notices. (1915, November 18).  

The Essendon Gazette and Keilor, Bulla and

Broadmeadows Reporter

 (Moonee Ponds, Vic. : 1914 - 1918), p. 2



STELLING. - A tribute to the memory of our
dearly beloved comrade, Private Gus Stelling,
C Company, 22nd Battalion, who sacrificed his  
life for his comrades at Gallipoli, 29th October,
A noble hero, true and brave,
Peacefully sleeps in a soldier's grave.
- (Inserted by his comrades, W. Liston and
F. Glide, France.)

STELLING. - In loving and affectionate memory of
our dear son and brother, Pte. Gus Stelling, who was
killed in action at Gallipoli on October 29, 1915

(the day following his 20th birthday).
(Inserted by his sorrowing parents, brother, and sister.)  

The Argus 28 October 1916



[Above items courtesy of Sheila Byard.]


STELLING.-In loving and affectionate memory of our

dear son and brother. Private Gus Stelling, who was

killed in action at Gallipoli on October 29th, 1915

(the day following his 20th birthday). -

Inserted by his sorrowing parents, brother and sister.


STELLING -In loving memory of our dear son      

and brother, Gus, who gave his life for his com-

rades at Gallipoli, October 29, 1915. (Inserted  

by his loving parents, brother, and sister, "Hero-  

gus," 82 Brewster street, Essendon.)

The Argus, 29 Oct 1917



STELLING.-In loving memory

of our dear son and brother, Gus, who gave his

life for his comrades at Gallipoli. October 29th,


-Inserted by his loving parents, brother and sister

"Herogus" 82 Brewster st., Essendon.


Family Notices. (1917, October 25). The Essendon

Gazette and Keilor, Bulla and Broadmeadows

Reporter (Moonee Ponds, Vic. : 1914 - 1918), p. 2

Edition: Morning. Retrieved May 25, 2012, from



STELLING -A tribute to the memory of my pal,

Pte Gus Stelling, 22nd Battalion, who sacrificed

his life at Gallipoli, 29th October, 1915,  

Greater love hath no man than this,

That he lay down his life for his friends.  

(W Liston.)


STELLING In loving memory of Private Gus

Stelling who gave his life for his comrades at

Gallipoli, October 29 1915, the younger son

of Mr and Mrs Gus W J Stelling, and brother

of Leslie and Irene of "Herogus", 82 Brewster

Street, Essendon, aged 20 years. Dearly loved.

The Argus 29 October 1918



STELLING.-In loving memory of our dear son and

brother, Gus, who gave his life in an endeavour to

save that of his comrades at Gallipoli, October 29,

1915. (Inserted by his loving father, mother,

Leslie, and Irene, "Herogus," 82 Brewster street, Essendon.)

The Argus 29 october 1919



STELLING - In loving memory of Private Gus  

Stelling 22nd Battalion who was killed at Gal  

llipoli, 29th October 1915.   

Deeply mourned by his loving father, mother    

brother, and sister.

The Argus 29 Oct 1920



STELLING In loving memory of our dear son and

brother, Private Gus Stelling, who gave his life on

Gallipoli October 29, 1915, (Mother, father,

Leslie, and Rene, Essendon.)

The Argus 29 oct 1921



No notices in the Argus 1922, 1923 or 1924



On Active Service.

STELLING- A tribute to the memory of our dear

son and brother Private Gus Stelling, died at

Gallipoli, Otober 29, 1915.

Family Notices. (1931, October 29). The Argus

 (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), p. 1.



STELLING -In loving memory of Gus Stelling

who died at Gallipoli on the 29th October

1915 (Inserted by his loved ones )

Family Notices. (1938, October 29). The Argus

 (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1956), p. 8. Retrieved

February 7, 2013, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article12528417


STELLING-In loving memory of our dear brother,

Gustave, who will always be remembered. Died

1915, Gallipoli (Inserted by Rene and Les).

Family Notices. (1939, October 28). The Argus

(Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), p. 4.



Forward to Gus Stelling as a boy


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