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Volunteers Surnames McE-Me

Page history last edited by Lenore Frost 2 years, 7 months ago

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  See also 'Mac'

Surnames Regimental No Rank Given names
McElhinney J J 610 Cpl James Johnstone
McEwan J M 3572 Pte James Murdock
McFadyen C H 7304 WO Charles Hector
McFarlane A G 2545 Pte Albert George
McFarlane C 605A Pte
McFaull F P 612 Sgt Francis Patrick
McGann F J 9489 Driver Francis Joseph
McGavin G R 32 Pte George Rudolph Robert McKie
McGiffen C H 2735 2nd Air Mechanic Charles Henry
McGill D A C 1 RSM Donald Augustus Clarence
McGowan J P 38990 Gunner John Pascoe
McGrath C 4882 Pte Cornelius
McGrath E 1850 Pte Edward
McGrath G E
Shoeing Smith
George Edward
McGrath J 7055 Pte Jeremiah
McGrath W L 12811 Driver William Lawrence
McGregor C H L 51 Pte Charles Henry Lachlan
McGregor F R  * 444 Pte Frederick Roy, aka Lachlan Colin
McGregor M J   Staff Nurse Mary Jean
McGuinness F
McHardy D J 252 Munitions worker David James
McHardy F J * 2194 Pte Frank John
McHardy W A *
2193 Pte William Alexander
McHutchison D *
5856 Pte Duncan                  Photo
McHutchison R *
3886 Pte Ross                       Photo
McIlveen W B 3884 Pte Wallace Boyle
McIndoe A C 4658 Pte Alexander Campbell
McIndoe R J 19927 Driver Ronald James
McIndoe W 5886 Pte William
McInerney R   * 4017 Pte Rupert  
McInerney T E Discharged
Pte Thomas Edward
McInnes D *
3893 Pte Duncan
McIntyre A 24629 Gunner Alexander
McIvor H J 4092 Pte Herbert James
McJunkin J W * 1396 Pte James Wilkie   
McKaige E C 291 Sgt Eric Chester
McKay J A 4246 Pte John Augustus
McKay L W * 3092 Pte Leonard William
McKay N J Pte     unidentified
McKay W  *
4273 Pte William
McKee J 4178 Pte Joseph
McKellar C C 2599 Pte Cyril Crawford
McKelvie A H 3125 Pte Albert Henry
McKenna A R 44 Pte Alfred R
McKenna C T   Capt (Vet Off) Cyril Thomas  
McKenna J B  * 39042 Pte Joseph Bryant
McKenry H S 3404 2nd Air Mechanic Henry Samuel
McKenzie A 19116 Sapper Allan
McKenzie H N Discharged
  Hector Neil
McKenzie H W 2623 Pte Hugh Wilson
McKenzie K D 11736 Gunner Kenneth David
McKenzie P S 14519 Pte Percival Stuart
McKenzie W L * 3199 Pte William Leslie
McKerrow F W 472 Pte Frank William
McKerrow G H 13966 Pte George Henry 
McKerrow H W
513 Driver Hugh Ward      
McKissock A    * 3396 Pte Alexander
McKissock A 4661 Pte Aven
McLaren W R 2018 Cpl William Rolston
McLaughlin T
McLean E C   2nd Lt Ernest Charles 
McLean J W  * 736 Pte John William
McLean R J  * 6446 Pte Richard Joseph
McLean R R 14271 Driver Reginald Robert
McLeish A W 22424 Gunner Alexander William
McLellan A 1090 Pte Alexander
McLennan E 980 Pte Edward
McLennan K P
Kenneth Park
McLennan K * 1787 Pte Kenneth
McLeod G T 3044 Pte George Thomas  
McMahon J 2084 Pte James
McMenomy P V 23A Driver Percy Victor
McMullen C C
Claude Cecil
McMullen E G 3351 Pte Edward George
McNabb M C 16696 Pte Morton Campbell
McNair R J 3395 Pte Ray John
McNamara E J 5058 Pte Edward Joseph
McNamara L P 27517 Driver Leo Patrick
McNaughton J M 1899 Pte John Malcolm
McNee D * 1976 Pte Duncan
McNeil P E   Engr Lieut-Commander
Percival Edwin
McPhail B   Sister Bessie
McPhail J *
2207 L Cpl John
McPhee J E 2007 Pte James Edmond
McPhee V A D * 2006 Pte Victor Alexander Douglas
McPherson A C 6140 Pte Archie Clyde
McPherson D 644 Cpl Donald
McPherson J C 2309 Pte John Charles
McPherson L H *
4472 Pte Leslie Herbert
McPherson W  *  2778 Pte Walter 
McQuitty J L 4552 Pte John Lilley
McRae G A * 28439 Gunner Gordon Andrew
McTavish J 4551 Pte John
McVitty H S  *
Harry Saville   
Mealey F J 1889 Pte Frederick John
Mealey F P 27564 Gunner Francis Patrick
Meara M J   2nd Lt Michael John
Meehan J L 111 Pte James Lawrence
Mehegan A J 5476 Pte Albert John
Mehegan A J 7 Sgt Austin James
Meldrum F E     Unidentified
Meldrum H D 2277 Cpl Herbert Vivian
Meldrum R 4438 Pte Robert
Mellington J G 2838 Pte John Gregory
Mellish C Pte      
Melotte M 3167 Pte Melville
Melrose F *
403 Pte Fredrick
Melville C Pte      
Melville G 6899A Pte George
Melville R B * 2215 Pte Robert Barrett
Memery H V 2084 A/g L Sgt Herbert Vivian
Memery J H 2085 Pte John Henry
Memery S M 2086 Pte Samuel Matthew
Menere G J M 5139 Pte Gordon John Mead
Menzies E A A 5711 Pte Emilio Arthur Alexander
Menzies H G    * 1331 Pte Harry George 
Metcalf C 3080 A/g Sgt Clyde
Metcalf N E H 2279 Pte Norman Ernest Hammond
Meyer E H 4860 Pte Edward Henry
Meyer H     Unidentified
Meyer H T 8197 Pte Henry Thomas
Meyer W J 5659 Pte William James


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