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Volunteers' addresses

Page history last edited by Lenore Frost 4 years, 5 months ago

Volunteers of Essendon and Flemington, 1914-1918


Corporal Walter Nicholson, with his fiance and mother, taken outside the

Nicholson home "Brocka" at 159 Wellington St, Flemington, circa 1916. 

Courtesy of David Nicholson.


 Ascot Vale Essendon Flemington  Kensington


Moonee Ponds Newmarket



Where house numbers did not appear in the B2455 record nor the Embarkation Roll, I have often used Electoral Rolls to find a number.


Visitors should note that in many cases the street numbers of houses have been altered since the volunteers enlisted 90 odd years ago, and the number may not relate to a house with that number today.  The Sands & McDougall Post Office Directory should be able to assist in determining this.


In these pages you will be able to see how many men and women from a particular street volunteered.  You might also be able to see, if you live in a local house from this period, who volunteered from your address (given the proviso above as to whether the numbers have changed).  If you don't want to know that someone who used to live in your house volunteered, and was possibly  killed - don't look.


These lists are a work in progress - volunteers are added progressively as a page is created for them, so the lists are constantly (if slowly) growing larger.



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