

Page history last edited by Lenore Frost 2 years, 3 months ago

Volunteers of Essendon and Flemington, 1914-1918


Ivers E A          Edward Arthur                            Groom    Single    RC            

Address:  Ascot Vale, Francis St, 2    

Next of Kin:    Ivers, E J, father, 2 Francis St, Ascot Vale    

Enlisted:    20 May 1918        

Embarked:     Discharged underage    


Discharged 14 Aug 1918  16 years & 8 months on enlistment.  Ivers was interviewed on account of his youthful appearance, and was sent off to obtain a birth certificate, having claimed he was born in 1898.  He returned to Camp and said it couldn't be found.  He was then sent to get a Statutory Declaration from his parents, but as he had not told them he was enlisting, he persuaded his friend Clifford Inches, then in Camp, to sign the Statutory Declaration claiming to be Ivers mother.  This failed to convince the Provost Sergeant, who obtained an Extract of Birth Certificate showing Ivers was born in September 1901.  Ivers spent 10 days in detention, and was discharged.


Relatives on Active Service:

Ivers S J Driver 4529 (DOW) brother

Etheridge F C Pte 5816 brother in law



It is possible Edward Ivers did take a position with a racing stable as he gave his occupation as "groom" when he enlisted in the AIF on 20 April 1918.




War Service Commemorated

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