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Kensington Methodist Church Roll of Honour

Page history last edited by Lenore Frost 10 months ago

Honour Rolls




The former Kensington Methodist Church in McCracken St, Kensington, now Christ Church, Kensington  (Photo:  Lenore Frost, 2011)


Kensington Methodist (now Uniting) Church, McCracken Street, Kensington  Roll of Honour

(Photo:  Lenore Frost)



Aitken C*
Alloway A
Andrewartha R
Arndell G
Aspinall F* (sic)
Baker M
Bell L
Bennett F
Blythe J
Bohmer W
Brown P
Buckley B
Buckley J
Bunting A E
Burne E
Busch F J
Butt T
Caddell J  *
Cairncross G
Campbell G
Carriss C*
Carriss G
Cheffers J
Cheffers W*
Clapson H
Cloak P
Collins C
Cox F E
Curnick H T
Dallimore W E J
Dangerfield P
Danks J*
Danks W*
Darke F
Davis T
Day C F
Day H W*
Day L E
Dodd R
Duncombe A
Duncombe V
Edwards D jun
Edwards D sen
Fairless R
Felton E
Fiddes D*
Findlay A
Fogarty W
Fogarty Wm
Gill A
Gillies N
Girdwood W
Goodman L
Goodwin L
Goodwin S*
Gordon J
Grandin C
Groves C
Harrison H
Harrison H*
Harrison J
Hatherley C
Hazel R
Hearle E*
Heaton W
Hill W
Hinwood L G
Hughes L
Hutchinson A
Hyde L*
Iles C*
Jay A E
Jay L
Jay W W
Jewkes W
Johnson G
Kearton J
Keith A G
Keith G W S
Kelly R*
Kidd H
Kidd J
Langford P
Lathleen L
Lee H
Leitch N
Leitch R
Liddle A

Lindsay Frank*
Lindsay Fred
Lock H B
Lowe H E
Macauley J
McCallum J *
McPherson D
Michaelson E
Mingst F
Mongan W
Morey A

Morey F
Morey H
Mottershead E
Mottershead V
Murray E ...
Meyers C
Meyers J
Nelson C
Nelson H B *
Nelson S
Nelson T Jun
Nelson T sen
Ogier C
Oke L
Oke S
Orchard J
Pain H*
Pain L
Palmer A
Patrick A
Patrick R*
Peck F J
Peck H
Penny F
Penrose C S
Penrose W V
Pollock C
Pollock J
Provis V *
Reeves E
Rentoul A
Rentoul D*
Rentoul F

Rentoul T C Rev
Richards R
Roberts W H
Robertson A E

Robinson R
Rogers A
Rogers G
Scott L
Sheldrick A
Sherson J
Simmonds E
Simpson W P
Stevens L
Stone F
Suckling G E
Thorburn W
Tregear S
Turner F
Turner J
Tytler S
Urwin A W
Waddell R
Wales H
Walmsley A J *
Walmsley C
Warren L*
Weir M
Wellman P
Wells R *
Wells S
Whitcroft F
White A
White A J
White E
White F
White H*
White T
White V
Wigley L
Wilson R
Windram G
Windram M *
Wingate R



This family memorial for the Danks brothers was also installed

in this church.  (Photo:  Lenore Frost, 2011)


Wedding of Florance Duncombe and Edward Draper, late 22 Bn.  Florance was the sister of Duncombe-V-G-Pte-2494, and the best man was Tytler-S-J-Pte-5919 both late 22 Bn.  The marriage was performed by  Rentoul-T-C-Chaplain-4th-class

Family Notices. (1921, May 19). Table Talk (Melbourne, Vic. : 1885 - 1939), p. 24. Retrieved May 25, 2015, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article146719121  



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