
Maribyrnong-Bagotville Hill Memorial

Page history last edited by Lenore Frost 4 years, 3 months ago

Volunteers of Essendon and Flemington, 1914-1918

Honour Rolls


Maribyrnong-Bagotville Hill Memorial.


The memorial is located in Victory Park, Epsom Rd, Ascot Vale.  The catchment for the area referred to as "Maribyrnong-Bagotville Hill" included the streets between Epsom Road and the Maribyrnong River.   It was clearly a very close-knit community, and soon gave rise to an organisation called the Maribyrnong-Bagotville Hill Welcome Home Committee   which raised funds to give receptions, often concerts, to welcome home their local boys.  Later on this committee raised funds to erect the Maribyrnong-Bagotville Hill Memorial. 



                                                                                                                                                             (Photos:  Lenore Frost, 2010)

Erected by the Residents of Maribyrnong-Bagotville Hill in Honour of their Men who served in the Great War 1914-1919.  Unveiled by Brigadier General H E Elliott, CB, CMG, DSO, DCM, 30th Apr 1922.  Geo. Loudon, Chairman,   J E Higginbotham, Hon Secy.







J Anderson
T Anderson

A G S Ball
J A'Hern
A E Boreham
W G D Brown
R W Bullen

H J Butt
J Callaghan
W E Coutts
R Crompton
C Dangerfield
R M Debney
W C Dorain
F Earle
H J W Eddy

J H Garbutt
J D Gideon
G A Gideon
L Harvey MSM

P H Heywood
H Hyde
G Hyde
A Hyde
*C A Johnson
A Johnstone
J Johnstone
G Johnstone
*W A Kelly
Langham  J O

D A Madden

J A Maloney

*D McInnes

H S McKenry

H McKinnon
*H McNabb

L A Neale
S H Neale
*S Nunn
H Paton MM
F C Quinn or G
S C Quinn or G

*G Rayner

C Robertson

*F Rowe

J McG Rust
S F Shaddock

J A F Simonsen
G A Simonsen
O Sjostrom
W K Smith
*H A Sparks
R Sparks

*W Sutherland

F Wasley

H J Williams MM

G G Williams

C Williamson
A Williamson
S Woods

E Williamson



The Argus, 31 July 1919



 The new Reserve purchased by the Essendon City Council, comprising six acres in Langs road, Ascot-vale West, has been named "Victory" Park, and   was planted with trees on Peace Day. A strip of land has been purchased in Charles street to   allow of an entrance from that thoroughfare to the  reserve.   

A NEW RESERVE. (1919, July 31). The Argus, p. 8.




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