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Page history last edited by Lenore Frost 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Volunteers of Essendon and Flemington, 1914-1918

Honour Rolls


Ascot Vale Presbyterian Church

Maribyrnong Road, Moonee Ponds


The church and the honour rolls were destroyed by an arsonist in 2004.


Source:  Violin-maker: William Whinfield Dods


  Bradley A W  *

  Broadbent T A *

  Cowan H K *

  Cowan C D *

  Fairley J F *

  Graham R B *

  Hodge J *

  Kelly W A *

  Levins C A *

  Mahood J C *

  Macnab H *

  McArthur A *

  McHutcheson R *

 McHutcheson D *

  McHardy F J *

  McHardy W A *

  Pritchard L B *

  Rodgers A E *

  Robertson J N *

  Stott A P *

  Wotherspoon W A *

Alexander J T

Anderson J G

Anderson W R K

Anderson N B

Broadbent J E

Broadbent W

Broadbent R

Burns C G

Barr S

Blair J C

Begg J G

Barnett W G

Chapple D T

Cross G

Cohen L A

Cameron W

Douglas J P

Davidson J M

Dewar J D

Elder W L

Edmonds F W

Evans A

Freeman W

Fraser W Capt Chaplain

Fulton J M

Fairley N H

Fleming G Miss

Gilchrist G

Gilchrist H M

Goode L

Gentles F

Griffiths E G

Griffiths E

Graham H B

Hutton P

Hailes W A

Hamilton G

Hinds A W

Hill L C

Harris J F

Harper W W

Hedley J W

Jarvie K

Johnston L D

Jordan L W

Jones F D

Kerr R C

Lyttle H

Lyttle A J

Love W

Lovelock R C R

Lovelock N C

Lovelock L A

Mackinnon N W

Mackinnon J N

Macaw T C

Marshall H C

McDowell W

McKenzie H

McIntyre A

McKellar C C

McCorkell F J

McNaughtan D

Nicholson E N

Nicholas W B

Nott N P

Ough D

Pratt A

Peck H

Plunkett T

Pattison W J

Park W G

Rorke M

Sutherland B M

Smith E J

Smith A H

Smith W K

Stott E C

Scott S M

Sinclair A G

Spence J L

Serle G H

Sim R

Stevens R S

Thompson D G

Twadell J K Miss

Whitelaw J

Whitelaw H V

Whitelaw P A

Whitelaw C M

Walker L A

Walker G

Walker D

Wardrop A

Wardrop J H

Ward V

Ward N F

Woodruff J S

Welch N

Young C


The Honour Roll, pictured in a pamphlet published for the unveiling, in the collection of the

Essendon Hist. Society.


The unveiling of the Ascot Vale Presbyterian Church honour roll took place on Wednesday 15 September, 1920. Corporal F W Edmonds gave an organ recital which included pieces composed by Handel and Mendelssohn.    Captain-Chaplain W Fraser said the first prayer.  Colonel Chaplain D Macrae Stewart gave the address, and Senator-Brigadier H E Elliott, CB, CMG, DSO, DM, performed the unveiling.


D Macrae Stewart had been the minister of the Ascot Vale Presbyterian Church from 1881 to 1903, immediately preceding Chaplain William Fraser.  Stewart served as a Chaplain in Gallipoli and France, but returned to Australia in 1916 when appointed the Senior Chaplain of the 3rd Military District (ie, Victoria).


The honour roll was an opus sectile, beautifully crafted from tiles.  This one was unusual in that it had the colour patches of the AIF represented in a block of tiles just above the legend "The Great War".  Another church in the district with an opus sectile is St Thomas' Church of England in Moonee Ponds.


At the time the Uniting Church was formed, Honour Boards from smaller churches in the area which closed were sent to the Ascot Vale Uniting (formerly Presbyterian) Church for safekeeping,  Unfortunately these boards were also burnt in the fires.  They were:

Knox Presbyterian Church Roll of Honour


Ascot Vale Methodist Church Ascot Vale Methodist Church


The Ascot Vale Presbyterian Church Gymnastics club formed in 1903. Source: Moonee Valley Library Service.


Front Row: L-R:  1 - 2 - 3 -  4 - 5 - 6 -  7 - 8 -  9 -  10 -  11 - .

Third Row:  L-R:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 .

Second Row: L-R:  1 Rev W Fraser, 2 Walter Glover Park, 3 William Kennedy Park, 4 -, 5 - , 6 - , 7 - , 8 - , 9 -.

Back Row: L-R 1 - , 2 -, 3 -, 4 -, 5 -, 6 -, 7 -, 8 -.


Ascot Vale Presbyterian Church, probably the Gymnastics Club formed in 1903. Rev W Fraser is on the left.

This picture also includes brothers Walter and William Kennedy Park. Walter is next to the Reverend, next in the row is his brother William Kennedy.

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